Since start of mass-production in 1952, we have been manufacturing titanium sponge for mill products as a pioneer in titanium sponge production in Japan. We provide customers with different grades of high-purity titanium from 4N (purity at least 99.99%) to 5N (purity at least 99.999%). The high-purity titanium up to 5N is manufactured by Kroll process (reduction of titanium tetrachloride with metallic magnesium with our own improvement.).
High-purity titanium products include 4N (minimum purity 99.99%), 4N5 (minimum purity 99.995%), and 5N (minimum purity 99.999%). Our high-purity titanium sponge is produced in remarkable large amounts by the Kroll process. Through a vacuum arc remelting process, this high-purity titanium sponge is made into large ingots, then supplied to users in the form of billets.
Titanium sponge
High purity titanium
Semiconductor-grade sputtering targets.